Introducing SIGMA Spotters: The Muller Family

When SIGMA Controller Don Muller and his wife Kerry travel with their large family, the kids help pass the time by “SIGMA spotting” wherever they go. The practice started several years ago when the family was visiting the USS Intrepid in New York City. Young Patrick, who knew his dad had started working at SIGMA, ran along the promenade and shouted “SIGMA, SIGMA!” When the rest of the clan caught him, they realized he had spotted a SIGMA frame and grate, and Patrick insisted on a photo. Patrick continued his vigilance, and later that day saw another SIGMA product in the crosswalk. Again, he requested a picture. At that point, his parents ushered him out of traffic and explained the importance of “safe SIGMA spotting.”

Since then, the entire family has gotten in on the action, and with eight children, there is always someone on the lookout. The kids especially love spotting above-the- ground SIGMA fittings and valves in the southern US, but they are sometimes concerned about encountering snakes and alligators.

We look forward to sharing more SIGMA Spotting photos with the adorable Mullers—keep up the good work, kids!